Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays from Medicare Advantage Congress
Our sincerest thanks for your continued readership of the blog and we look forward to your participation, thoughts and ideas moving forward in 2009.
Stay tuned we're getting ready to launch a new blog that looks at the broader issues of Healthcare, update your RSS feed now as we get it ready for our official launch:
We wish to you a joyous holiday season.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Healthcare Insights To Launch in 2009!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Medicare to Docs: Go Electronic in 2012
Medicare states that this is to improve efficiency between doctors and pharmacies and to avoid problems with handwriting, patients who lost prescription notes, etc. However, how much is this going to cost doctors--especially those who are serving low income areas or who are in private practice? I understand that Medicare is now offering monetary incentives to doctors who welcome this program but why bribe doctors into doing something that they will already ahave to do in a few years.
Medicare should, if they are mandating that doctors adhere to this new policy, spend money to educate docs and their staff on the new inititative.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Just the Essentials: Deciding on Medicare Coverage Plans
The article stresses that knowing one's healthcare needs is the key to understanding what plans are solid for their needs.
We highly recommend that you print out this list, available here.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
U.S. Nursing Homes Get "Zagat" Rated by Feds
By offering ratings to each nursing home, it gives a clear rating of the quality of the home. Though a visit is always encouraged, soon people would be able to choose a nursing home much like choosing a place for vacation.
What is particularly interesting about this report is that non-profit oranizations take better care of their clients than for profit organzations. This is probably because non-profits are so tied into keeping their non-profit status that a system of checks and balances in high order.
An analysis of nearly 16,000 nursing homes reveals for-profit homes are more likely to provide inferior care than their non-profit rivals, according to a USA TODAY examination of the federal government's first ratings of the homes' performance.
The new Zagat-like rating system, released today by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, assigns homes one to five stars for quality, staffing and health inspections, plus an overall score.
What do you think of the rating system? How will it affect U.S. nursing homes?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Texas Medicaid Fraud
This case, with phony advocacy groups and false marketing materials is predatorial and wrong and these individuals deserve to be prosecuted by the full extent of the law.
J&J’s Janssen Pharmaceutica funneled kickbacks to Texas health officials, distributed false marketing materials and deployed phony advocacy groups to get its Risperdal antipsychotic prescribed to low-income Texans, the state alleges in a new filing in an ongoing fraud lawsuit filed in 2006, according to The Dallas Morning News
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Medicare assures patients about access to oxygen
Medicare officials tried on Monday to quell growing worry by the elderly that they could lose access to lifesaving oxygen supplies with the start of the new year.
With a rise in phony marketing scams, which this blog has covered, many less than reputable companies are preying on the elderly for more money to offset their own losses during this economic climate. We must assure people that Medicare, though wacky and seemingly mismanaged will not keep individuals from life saving access to medical supplies. Any individual representing a company that claims to do so is wrong. Always do background checks on any company or individual who contacts you our someone you know about your personal Medicare status.
For the rest of this article, please click here.
Monday, December 15, 2008
DaVita gets Department of Health subpoena for documents related to Medicare practices
Dialysis services company DaVita Inc. said Monday it is responding to a Department of Health and Human Services subpoena for documents related to Medicare claims for several drugs.
What do you think will come out of this government audit of DaVita? DaVita has willingly given up all of their documentation and files regarding Medicare claims, so perhaps they have nothing to hide. We'll keep you posted on any new developments.
For the rest of this article, please click here.
Friday, December 12, 2008
First Spanish Medicare Educational Video for Seniors Released
From MarketWatch:
Award-winning journalist Maria Antonieta Collins has partnered with UnitedHealthcare to create the first-ever Spanish-language Medicare educational DVD for seniors and their caregivers.
What do you think of this outreach to the elderly Latin community?
For more information and for the video, please click here.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
AP: Medicare insurers' profits exceed expectations
This is likely due to an increase in payments to companies by the elderly, without an increase in services by the organizations. This money is now being seen as a profit that the companies in question must diligently work with the government to make sure that the clients served via Medicare are getting the best care that they deserve. We'll keep you posted on any new developments.
For the rest of this article, please click here.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
AP: Retired players to get new Medicare benefit
Good for them! I love it when organizations take care of their retirees. Let's hope that more visable organzations follow suit!
For a direct link to this article, please click here.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Indiana: Beware of Medicare scams
For an example, please click here.
Monday, December 8, 2008
New gun for seniors could be subsidized by Medicare

Friday, December 5, 2008
Medicare, Social Security Owe Up to $52 Trillion to Current Retirees and Workers
DALLAS, Dec 03, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ --
Debts Up To Three and Half Times Greater Than Entire U.S. Economy
If the federal government stopped the Medicare and Social Security programs tomorrow -- collecting no more payroll taxes and allowing no more accrual of benefits -- it would still owe up to $52 trillion to those who have already earned these benefits, according to a new study by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).
"The numbers are staggering," said Andrew Rettenmaier, an NCPA senior fellow and coauthor of the study. "No one thinks we are going to end these programs," he said, "but if we account for federal obligations the way private pensions and state and local governments are required to, the federal government owes up to $52 trillion (in current dollars) as of today."
To put the numbers in perspective, the size of the entire U.S. economy is $14 trillion. The newly released study determined that: --
An estimated $9.5 trillion is owed to current retirees -- an amount
equal to almost $250,000 per person 65 years of age and older in 2008.
-- Adding the liability owed to those nearing retirement (55 and older)
more than doubles the accrued debt to $20.6 trillion.
-- Adding the benefits accrued by younger workers brings the total to as
much as $52 trillion. The beneficiaries include all retirees, as well as
anyone in the workforce above 22 years of age.
For the rest of this release, please click here.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Compliance 360 Enhances Solution for Managing Claims Audits and Appeals
Compliance 360, a leading provider of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions for enterprise governance, risk and compliance (eGRC) and the most widely used solution in the healthcare industry, today announced the general availability of its claims audit solution that helps organizations manage a wide variety of claims audits and appeals, including those conducted under the CMS Medicare Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program.
The Compliance 360 Claims Auditor is designed specifically for industries such as healthcare, insurance, financial services and student lending where the government is taking an increasingly active role in regulatory scrutiny and enforcement. Regulated organizations in these industries are being asked with increasing frequency to open their records and demonstrate that they are in compliance with the regulatory agency's rules and reimbursement policies. The Compliance 360 Claims Auditor allows organizations to maintain one central system of record for all types of claims audits and provides management with a system of alerts, dashboards, and workflow.
For the rest of this article, please click here.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Baltimore Sun Editorial: Medicare Waste
Private health insurance plans that serve nearly a fourth of all Medicare beneficiaries, including more than 40,000 in Maryland, were set up under the assumption that the private companies could provide the same services as Medicare at a lower cost. Instead, many have significantly increased costs without improving care, a new analysis of the Medicare Advantage program shows.It's time for the multibillion-dollar waste to end. Congress should act early next year to reduce these payments to private insurance companies to the level of traditional Medicare. That could save $160 billion over the next 10 years, money that would be better spent offsetting the soaring costs of Medicare as a flood of baby boomers join the program. Enrollment in private Medicare fee-for-service plans has exploded to 2.3 million recently from just 26,000 at the end of 2003. That growth has driven up costs because the government pays the private insurers 13 percent on average more than it would spend for the same number of beneficiaries receiving traditional Medicare. In Maryland, the extra money raked in by the insurance companies added an estimated $28.7 million to the cost of Medicare last year - $16 million to private insurers and $12.7 million in increased premiums paid by seniors participating in Medicare Part B, according to the analysis by the USAction Education Fund for Progressive Maryland, a liberal advocacy group here.
In a campaign debate this fall, President-elect Barack Obama described the extra costs as a "giveaway" to private insurers. And former Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota, who has been picked by Mr. Obama to become secretary of health and human services, recently warned that such overpayments to insurance companies are threatening Medicare's solvency.
For the rest of this editorial, please click here.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Economy likely to move up Medicare's insolvency
Federal health officials estimate that the struggling economy will speed up by one to three years the exhaustion of the Medicare trust fund covering hospital and nursing home care.
Trustees for the Social Security and Medicare programs warned last March that the trust fund for Medicare Part A would become insolvent in 2019. But the chief actuary for Medicare said Monday the economy will likely generate less revenue through payroll taxes than the trustees had projected.
Once the trust fund is exhausted, the federal government will continue to pay for hospital care and other services, but it initially would only have enough money coming in to cover 78 percent of estimated costs.
Trustees issue a once-a-year report on the financial conditions for Social Security and Medicare. In the fall, the trustees get an update that tells them what's happening versus what their latest projection indicated. In the latest update, Medicare's top actuary braced the trustees for a deterioration in Medicare's finances.
For the rest of this article, please click here.
Monday, December 1, 2008
NYT: Medicare’s Too Costly Private Plans
Private health insurance plans were supposed to bring better care and lower costs to elderly patients covered by Medicare. Instead they have increased the cost and complexity of the program without improving care, according to new analyses published by the respected journal Health Affairs. Congress clearly has more work to do to remove unjustified subsidies that prop up many of the most inefficient private plans.
Back in the 1980s, private plans — known as health maintenance organizations — were seen as a savior for Medicare. They could provide the same or better services as traditional fee-for-service Medicare, but because of managed care they could do it at a lower cost. Over the years Congress brought other, less managed private plans into Medicare, and in 2003 the Republican-dominated Congress substantially increased government payments to private plans.
Medicare currently pays the private plans — now called the Medicare Advantage program — 13 percent more on average than the same services would cost in the traditional fee-for-service program. Some of the added payments are used to provide extra benefits for enrollees, like reduced cost-sharing or reduced premiums for such extra benefits as vision and dental care.
The added value averages more than $1,100 a year per patient. Not surprisingly, that makes them attractive to individuals and employers seeking coverage for retirees. It has fueled an explosive growth in enrollments. Almost a quarter of all Medicare beneficiaries, more than 10 million people, are enrolled in private plans.
For the rest of this post, please click here.